Halfway There!
Hi everyone! This week marks three weeks done, holy cow right? Already halfway through the semester! This week I spent a lot of time focusing on getting my mathematics webinar set up, I am very much looking forward to having the opportunity to share some interesting information with some classmates! As we start week three, things seem to be settling down and everyone is getting into their groove again, even their math grooves. I had the opportunity this week to watch a fellow classmates webinar, which I can't say enough good things about! The webinar was full of useful tips and tricks for teachers to use in the classroom as manipulatives and learning tools.
My classmates provided me with many different resources I could use in my classroom for math, which I found super helpful. My personal favourite was "Which one doesn't belong?" Check it our for yourself here and see why! The main focus of their webinar was how to create environment for math inquiry. I was able to relate extremely well to this topic as I often felt discouraged by math as a student and had a lot of emotional struggles throughout my time as a student due to lack of support and confidence. The website mentioned above is a great way for students to safely provide their opinion, and gives every student in the classroom an opportunity to look at things a different way and to learn from their peers.
Retrieved September 25th 2017 from: wodb.ca |
This image is an image that my classmates shared with us during their webinar. The goal is to determine and justify which one doesn't belong. I was extremely impressed by the conversation that this allowed us to have. Through each other, we realized many different options were possible and plausible.
I found this week to be extremely enlightening and I can only look forward to the things I will continue to learn through and from my fellow teacher candidates. Thanks for reading again this week!